Sunday, January 10, 2016

Pawn Shop Myth #2

Pawn Shop Myth #2
Pawn Shops take old used electronics. Not true at all they actually take only new items. NO items over 2 yrs old. So don't think of pawnshops as your local goodwill, that you can dump off all your old electronics. Leave the junk to garage sales or donate those items. PawnShops are trying to clean up there reputation as clean legitimate businesses not little holes in the wall, with shady illegal MO's. FYI: We get people all the time that say I was cleaning out my garage and I found all these items and I thought you guys took all this old junk.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

PawnShop Myth 1

PawnShop Myths

1.  PawnShops- are shady and like to take stolen merchandise. 

Not true pawnshops take what customers bring in or how they acquire them is strictly on them. They ask for a valid I.D and they must sign a legally binding document. In which it lets them know when there items are going to be due which is a 4 month contract and they must pay interest at the end of the term. If they don't pick the items they become the pawnshops property. In the contract they sign they must also leave a fingerprint and each and every single contract goes out to the local police department. The police department is in charge of looking through the items that are taken in.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Why buy Jewelry at Pawn Shops ?

Pawnshops are the best place to buy jewelry I can think of so many reasons but today I will tell you the the 1st one the PRICE you can try to get better deals by  buying jewelry Marts which often have wholesale prices. But they still have a way larger overhead than PawnShops .

 Why because PawnShops make more money on the interest they charge customers when they pawn the jewelry about 70% of the revenue I would say comes from interest the customers pay. And I do mean this the revenue for pawn shops is the interest which customers pay to pawn there items. And about 80% of people pick up there jewelry. A very small number leaves there items there.
 I know its hard to believe that the people that pawn there items pick them up but its true. And no the items they pawn shop are not all stolen as the media and the bad rap that pawn shops have gotten over the years. That has made people believe that Pawn shops are the root of all that is wrong with the world. But well most of our customers are hard working families and others that are part of a system of disabled and others that our living off  the government. And have ruined all there other sources of borrowing money either have really bad credit or have never had credit.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Introduction Of a PawnShop WorkinGirl

PawnShop Working Girl

Hello everyone and Thank You for Visiting my Confession Blog. This Blog idea started I think right when I Hit the 10 yr Mark of Working in a PawnShop I said I should definitely share all this wiseness (<-not a word but my blog my world) with the world. 10 years of experience 10 years of Knowledge and I keep learning more and more each day. Maybe someday I'll have enough $$ saved to open my own PawnShop, I often sit and just daydream what would I name it, what city I would put it? but well for now this is but a dream.